How ERP Can Improve Supply Chain Management and Increase ROI

1 min readSep 29, 2021

According to a recent global survey, the revenue for Supply chain management software Is estimated to be around USD 17306M in 2021. ERP for supply chain management is expected to grow ata CAGR of 6.52% from 2021 to 2026. ERP software industry itself is expected to grow at a rapid pace and the waorldwide revenue is projected to be 78.4 billion dollars by 2026.

The Role of ERP in Supply Chain Management

Some of the valuable role ERP plays in supply chain management, an important part of the overall success of a manufacturing business are:

Strategic Demand Management

Inventory management is one of the core features of SCM that helps the smooth functioning of the business. ERP comes with a demand monitoring module that automates stock management. It also provides current market trend demand to help the company plan replenishment orders. Automatic management of stock levels and generate purchase orders when the threshold limit is reached. …Continue Reading

