Mainframe Modernization Strategies To Consider For Business Transformation

2 min readOct 8, 2021


Enterprises are adopting digital transformation (DX) and innovation — and organizations can modernize investments in core mainframe and other existing systems for competitive differentiation. Innovation is vital across applications, process strategies, and infrastructures.

The world is rushing towards a revival post the pandemic, and all the organizations are trying to get back on their feet with the latest and future-ready infrastructure. With a drastic shift towards work from culture and digitalization, it is important for companies to modernize their legacy mainframe applications

Here are some strategies that we use when we deal with mainframe modernization for our clients.

Don’t touch Core Application:

Modernization doesn’t mean a complete shift from heritage mainframe application to modern cloud platforms at one go. We can optimize the mainframe application and infrastructure without disturbing the core application.

The key factor for success here is to determine which parts of the application need to be untouched and which ones are to be optimized. This is where TAFF advisors can analyze your mainframe application and shortlist the set of applications that can reside in the mainframe itself.
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